More than 550 different types of post have been created in that period and that equates to an average of an article a week, every week for a decade. Now I know that the posting hasn’t been anything like as orderly as that, but the volume of work is there for all to see.
It’s been entertaining to go back and read some of my own stuff; I’d forgotten that I’d even written about some of the things I have covered.
The site was originally created when I found myself out of work and with more time on my hands than was normal. An interesting thing to reflect upon is that I had one job in the prior ten years and four in the ten years since this site was launched.
Aside from employment, much has been rather more consistent, Mrs. B. is still the same model; my enjoyment of seventies stuff, unabated; the pleasure derived from heavy metal and punk music, undiminished; the appreciation of old cars, unaffected; I am even still running regularly; and … the random nature of the articles posted remains – you still never know what you are going to read about next.
But that has got me thinking, because there is no plan as to what happens next and into the future. More of the same? Something completely different? Nothing at all?
Writing is a curious pastime, it can be entertaining, cathartic, creative, but it is introverted, often revealing, can be lonely, the output is hardly noticed, and it takes up time that could be more productive if put to different use.
All that aside, reaching double figures is something. When I started this, I never expected the environment would be around for that long.
While my interest levels in my own site have waxed and waned over the years, I have arrived at this anniversary and I am pleased with myself to have kept the momentum going. Ten years feels like a proper achievement.
Thanks to all of you that have joined me on the journey.
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