Looking like a seventies porn star has, perhaps inevitably, meant I have had to suffer the adoring attention of droves of female admirers; seriously, looking as incredibly handsome and horny as this is tiring. And the wolf whistling and groping – honestly you wouldn’t believe it!
Thank God there’s money in it.
Since my last post funds have been spurting in…
…or rather they haven’t.
Thank God for top man Mike because without his benevolence, my fund raising would amount to zero, which would be a bit shit!
So dear reader, this is the money shot - there is still time to sponsor me if you are willing and able. Any amount is fine.
Come on, do it, you know you want to.
Obviously everything (well almost everything) you have read to this point is total bollocks but that’s okay because Movember is about raising awareness of testicular cancer. This post is, arguably, bang ‘on brand’.
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