…and another year has flown by.
The fact is that I am pleased that I stuck with it. Though the site requires ongoing nurturing, costs me money and takes up my time, it has given me some genuine pleasure too. Arguably, it’s a bit like gardening or bringing up one’s children (albeit with a lot less expense, stress, tiredness, raised voices and assorted hierarchical-pissing-contests).
In terms of a work ethic, more than sixty articles have been published since Nov. 2014 - an average output of more than an article per week doesn’t feel too shabby to me. But I acknowledge that justification could just be delusional, self-congratulatory bollocks.
Staying upbeat however and by way of a final low-key celebration; in addition to this post, I have updated the banner on the top of the home page. Take a look at it quickly if you are interested because it will come down shortly to make way for my Christmas decorations.
I end this post by finally getting around to the actual purpose of writing it in the first place - the most important message of all…
Thank you for coming (and for coming back). Thank you for the comments, the Facebook likes, the retweets and, in the case of Tracy Westgate the recent offer of a selfie.
If you are prepared to accompany me on my journey towards five years, you will be very welcome.
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