Before you get too confused about that sentence, I am referring to the other one (although maybe I should use another one, there will of course be more of them/us out there). To be frank (he was my granddad by the way) there isn’t a split personality thing going on here - rather a completely different personality altogether. I am (did you guess yet?) referring to Adrian Baldwin the author, not Adrian Baldwin the me (the myself, the I).
Though I get that this is starting to sound (or maybe that’s feel) a bit schizophrenic?
It’s okay though because that is actually appropriate given the nature of Adrian’s book. I have written about my namesake and his novel “Barnacle Brat” a few times before – Leon, the central character is a bit, well a lot really, bonkers.
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Now to get to the point of this one - Adrian has just scooped an Underground Book Reviews award for the Readers’ Choice “Indie Book of the Year”.
Baldwin nailed 36.1% of the vote and would you believe it, I actually helped a little. I voted for his novel and I encouraged my Facebook friends to do the same – and a vote for him is sort of a vote for me, well at least my name anyway (though it’s obviously his too and I don’t mind sharing).
One day Adrian Baldwin will appear in lights and that will be great – it won’t be my Adrian Baldwin of course, it will be his but it doesn’t matter which one of us achieves greatness – either way Adrian Baldwin will be cool and his written word will be celebrated.
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