But this post isn’t going to be about the Foos because something much weirder and more worthy of writing about took place in Somerset. And I don’t mean the constant sunshine either (though some rays do appear to shine out of a certain politician’s butt).
Jeremy Corbyn took to the stage with Michael Eavis and delivered a keynote type speech. A politician preaching at Glastonbury…
...but even more odd was the audience’s warm reception, he got serenaded by the crowd, chants of “oh Jeremy Corbyn” rippling across the field. I would have expected any politician from any party to get jeers and boos but somehow Corbyn pulled it off. Fascinating.
Since the election, Corbyn’s stock has been on the up and May has faced a barrage of criticism. Even the Queen taught her a thing or two about public engagement and compassion at Grenfell Tower.
And that reminded me that during the election process, I saw a Facebook post that included the picture shared in this piece. It cracked me up at the time but its humour is just as relevant now.
At last, two party politics is back and whilst the Star Wars themed good versus evil, weak versus strong thing is overcooked in the image, I wonder what would happen if there was another election now?
I used to think that Corbyn was divisive and a liability to his party but he has confounded me by gaining in popularity through leadership contests and by doing things his own way regardless of the media interpretation. I find myself thinking that he probably is more “a man of the people” than May. And he may yet lead our nation. The prospect of another election in the not too distant has to be real.
As for Teresa “May the force be with you” because you are going to need something “more” in the weeks and months ahead. The Brexit challenges are every bit as daunting as those the fictitious Rebel Alliance faced when taking on the Empire.
If she fails in Europe, and for all our sakes, I hope she doesn’t, the Star Wars expression will end up be re-written by the Labour Party “Corbyn the force be with you”.
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