... and wondered why anyone would be even slightly surprised by it. If EDF had been able to report that the construction of Hinkley Point C was on time and on budget, then I’d have been shocked.
Instead, EDF is now predicting that “C” will cost between £21.5-22.5 billion. And, I bet that by next September, the energy company will tell almost the same “increasing costs” story all over again (and that the numbers are higher still).
A few weeks earlier (23rd July), I wrote about the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (DBEIS) proposing to allow energy companies to charge UK electricity customers in order to fund future nuclear power station projects. At the time I shared a link to the consultation currently being undertaken and which closes on 14th October – here it is again https://beisgovuk.citizenspace.com/energy-strategy-networks-markets/regulated-asset-base-rab-model/.
If you haven’t contributed, the current Hinkley £2.9 billion and 15-month overrun is why you might want to make your views known before the consultation ends. If you don’t, then by the time construction starts on the Sizewell station for example, you’ll be part funding it.
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