So far we have only seen episode one of a two part series but there has already been much to ponder.
In the news yesterday though, the revelation was made that the main character is in fact (well maybe not a fact; who knows?) an actor. Derren Brown always acknowledges that what he does is a combination of magic, sleight of hand, suggestion, misdirection and showmanship; and Apocalypse is no different and will be entertaining to watch regardless of how fake it is.
To me, the likelihood that the whole thing is a tightly orchestrated contrivance is a relief because otherwise we all have much to worry about. Not zombies and meteors of course, but rather just how easy it could be to drive one to madness. The opportunity for others to take control of an individual’s technology, access to the media, interactions with others, not to mention their susceptibility to suggestion and hypnosis means that any of us could be manipulated into believing and doing anything. Our mental health is perhaps a lot more fragile than we realise and that is scary stuff.
As a fresher at university many years ago, I tried stage hypnosis. I was really pleased to get a seat on the stage and then was gutted to be kicked off almost immediately. I couldn’t do the visualisation bit and therefore didn’t fit the hypnotist’s agenda. I wouldn’t mind trying again but I’d prefer to start with thinking I was a chicken rather than living a full-scale end of the world scenario.
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