My dad, Neil Baldwin, went to Eliots Green from 1957-1964 or thereabouts (he's in the photo below). One of the things that he kept for decades after was his knitted school scarf.
My dad can’t remember the colours, neither can my uncle or my Godfather and all of them went to the same school. My sister has tried the school’s Facebook group and drew a blank there too.
So, my sis and I are trying to right a wrong and get him a replacement. In our interconnected world, it must be possible to find someone that has still got a scarf and can tell us the colours, the order of stripes and the width of them. Maybe someone could even send me a photograph.
On LinkedIn I am connected to around 500 souls, on Facebook I am connected to almost 150, and all of those people are connected to many others. The other day I found out that I have got seven connections in common with Quentin Wilson and nine in common with the CEO of Porsche UK, so it must be feasible to track down an Eliots Green alumni or two.
This is where you can help. Please share my quest with your connections and let me know if anyone out there can assist. My website has been live for a decade, and this is the first time I have ever asked for a post to be shared in this way. I hope that the request sits okay with you.
And you never know, if this piece happens to be read by the person that helped themselves to the scarf at the Zodiac Mindwarp gig in 1992, maybe I could even get the original back. Stranger things have happened.
That fact is that my old man is getting on a bit now and my sister and I would love to be able to replace his old school scarf while we still can.
My thanks in advance if you are willing to help.
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