The inference that most people’s willpower has the duration of little more than a fortnight, or that the promises you make yourself are just nonsense, bothered me a little. Are we all weak-willed? Do we make ourselves these promises to make us feel better whilst we get used to the new, undoubtedly heavier, post 2013 versions of ourselves? Is alcohol just too important to sacrifice even for a month?
I find myself thinking that the subject would be good to debate – perhaps with a friend or two in the boozer and over a pint of decent ale (although if one had given up alcohol for January, there could be a problem with that). Maybe instead coffee and cake in a Costa somewhere (although maybe not the cake).
So far this year I have been resolute about losing the extra pounds gained in weight over Christmas; in fact since 6th January my efforts have been rewarded and some good progress has been made. In truth, only this morning I was able to congratulate myself on making the first important weight loss related milestone.
I am far from abandoning my resolution to shed the weight but nonetheless this weekend will see me break my vow of enforced calorie reduction. Temptation will come in the shape of my Dad’s birthday and my wedding anniversary both of which are being celebrated with the wider Baldwin family. Unfortunately beer, curry and cake are not on my diet plan. So it is inevitable that having reached a weight milestone, I will be reversing, or perhaps at best halting some of the positive progress.
My questions to myself are these – is there really any blue water between a planned climbing down from the diet wagon to ‘stretch one’s legs’ or a ‘falling off’? Does an absolute commitment to getting back on the wagon on Monday still constitute the same New Year’s resolution or am I making a new one that starts on the 20th January? Is my willpower therefore as weak as the populace at large i.e. am I technically failing on the same weekend? I hope not.
It’s a shame that this cerebral introspection doesn’t consume more calories because then I could be offsetting the weekend even as I type.
When celebrating then; I will try to find a balance that sees me avoid wholesale gluttony whilst not looking and sounding like some kind of diet fixated party pooper. Wish me luck!
Finally, why does the word diet have to start with ‘die’?
Maybe there’s another blog post wrapped up in that subject. Watch this space!
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