But on the other hand, I think the Irish, the best side during this tournament deserve the Grand Slam and shouldn’t be denied by a sloppy England.
Not being 100% supportive of England is unusual for me and definitely a source of internal conflict.
I can’t decide if I am actually going to watch the game. Normally I’d be glued to the TV screen … but if I don’t really care what the result is, wouldn’t my time be better spent doing something else?
Maybe I could do something else as well as watch the rugby, something useful like the ironing perhaps?
Next up Porton Down.
Was the Skripal, Novichok poisoning just a lucky bounce for Porton Down? Announced yesterday, another £48 million investment is being made in the UK’s premier chemical/biological weapons research facility.
Once again, I am conflicted because part of me believes that there are 48 million better ways to spend UK tax payers’ money than this.
I find myself wondering, was the investment already earmarked before the Salisbury events? Surely it must have been on the radar earlier than yesterday? Is the previously planned investment now being justified with a hastily devised PR campaign/stance arising from an incident that, by pure coincidence, occurred at the right time? Is it a chance perhaps for May to score some brownie points with the British public by overtly promoting something she had probably been planning to do on the quiet anyway?
But then again, maybe the Government’s proposal was just a rapidly developed plan to adjust to a new UK threat level. Maybe investing in Porton Down is the right thing to do? If the UK is going to subjected to chemical attacks, our establishment should be tooled up to deal with them. But letting our scientists work on nerve agents surely encourages the Russians and others to get their laboratories back up to full speed as well…
Finally, snow.
Apparently, we are expecting more snow this weekend - part of me is going “yay”, the other part is going “boo”. Snow is fun but a pain is the arse as well.
What to do? Which way to jump? What to think?
Buggered if I know.
At least if it snows, that might sort out my indecision about watching the rugby. Bye for now.
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