Today sees this site reach its third birthday; here before you, three years of care, commitment and creativity - and approaching 300 articles for that matter.
But should I celebrate or have some kind of site party? The thing is, I am not sure.
What dear reader do you think?
The site’s original purpose was to assist me in my search for gainful employment; to my absolute relief, that aim was achieved within three months of the site going live - but that meant a repurposing was necessary.
Since the end of February 2012, adrianbaldwin.com/co.uk/.net has essentially been about entertaining visitors; this achieved (well attempted might be more appropriate) by sharing my reflections on…
…well anything really.
In fact “random” is the adjective that best sums up the content. There is some site architecture, there are some loose/ongoing themes (the 70s, cars, music, nuclear matters) but there is a real risk that the criticisms, “inconsistent”, “unstructured”, “untidy” or “unplanned” could be levelled – all with some merit!
Being self-critical, it is certainly the case that a reader with a specific interest i.e. jigsaw puzzles could come across my site, read one relevant post and then never find anything else that was of interest to them.
My site reminds me of the famous line from the Forrest Gump movie “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”. Certainly a reader will have no idea what they’ll be subjected to on their next visit (hoping of course there is one).
Like the chocolate chooser, at least a site visitor knows there will be something to consume – and that must be better than finding an empty box! The risk is they might not like what they try; but then the very element of risk surely makes a selection more exciting!
The fact is that I enjoy writing and I manage this site as a hobby, albeit a rather solitary one. From a selfish perspective I guess that it suits me to leap from topic to topic without boundaries; it stops it getting boring or just getting too hard. From a positive perspective, I have proved (to myself anyway) that I can write about anything; that I can find an angle that makes a subject interesting and worth writing about.
But is this just self-congratulatory nonsense, a form of literary masturbation? Aside from some self-indulgence, what has this site achieved since 2012? It hasn’t made me any money, or made me famous; my twitter following remains pitiful.
Even my website stats have been inaccurate thanks to Weebly messing up the counts.
What do you think? I’d really like to know.
My questions to you:
- Do I carry on as is?
- Is another repurposing exercise necessary?
- Do I stop?
My questions to myself are:
- Have I achieved everything that I am going to with this environment?
- Would my time be better spent doing something else? I am sure that Mrs Baldwin has firm views on this.
- Should I surrender my plethora of website addresses to the other Adrian Baldwin because he is a real author?
Two songs spring to mind, so in between playing Christmas Compilation CDs in my car, should Prince “1999” or Lesley Core “It’s my party” get an airing; celebration or commiseration?
Help me choose which one to play.
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