The expression “no pain, no gain” springs to mind though because watching this programme was frankly excruciating.
A brief synopsis – a group of “experts” (and I use the quotation marks for sarcastic emphasis) profile 1,500 single (in terms of relationship status) volunteers to determine decent marriage matches. The selected candidates agree to marry a complete stranger and the first time they see one another is at the altar. In theory, the appliance of science could make a valuable contribution to the institution of marriage by offering more thought-through matches based on known compatibility factors.
Experts included psychologists, therapists, anthropologists and even a clergyman (maybe God knows why Reverend Nick Devenish thought he should participate).
And no surprise…
…the entire experiment proved to be farcical. 1,500 people profiled, three potential matches, two couples made it to the altar and one couple are still married after five months (the other marriage crashed and burned in four weeks).
In a rhyming coincidence, Married at First Sight was more or less total shite.
What a total waste of time, money and effort. The scientists achieved less success than us mere mortals achieve without any of the personality profiles, DNA testing and other assorted pseudoscientific crap. The UK’s divorce statistics make far better reading.
I wasted an hour of my life last night but there are bright sides; one, I get a blog post out of it; two, it could have been worse (I might have watched all three episodes); three, old-school beats high tech (and that so works for me).
If you missed the series, count yourself lucky!
If you find yourself at a loose end and fancy shouting at your telly, then there is always Channel 4OD.
And if you have a burning desire to get married and settle down, for God’s sake don’t consult an ologist.
Bye for now.
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