And the nerve of the agents that carried out the poisoning on our soil! It is just about tantamount to an act of war, if the rhetoric being purveyed by our political leadership is to be believed. That’s even more worrying.
There are two scenarios; either a state sponsored assassination attempt, or even worse, the Russians have lost control of their chemical weapons stock pile.
If the Russians wanted the Skripals disposed of, surely there were more traditional methods at their disposal that would have had less scope to create an international incident. They are denying involvement of course but that feels less believable than Kim Jong-un wanting nuclear peace talks with Trump.
An unbelievable brings me to Money Supermarket (MS). Last night during a Marcella advertisement break, the latest MS TV ad was aired. It’s militarily grade too and features animated, vintage Action Men dancing to Ce Ce Peniston’s “Finally it’s happening to me”. I couldn’t believe what I was watching.
Follow the YouTube link below and see for yourself.
I watched with joy, rarely have I paid so much attention to a TV ad. The helicopters, tank, Jeep and motorcycle with side car were part of my Action Man collection, I owned many of the different outfits on display (just love the astronaut). Back in the day, there was a cowboy and a red Indian Action Man costume, I am amazed they weren’t featured.
One observation, there was never a moustachioed figure, it was a full beard or nothing! In the seventies, the footballer figure had side burns but that was the only other facial hair ever presented. But that factual inaccuracy is forgivable, creative licence in this instance is a good thing.
Military grade targeting evidenced from Money Super Market...I am so "target market”.
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