Given that Movember is drawing to a close and there are only a couple more days to go before I can shave off my ridiculous horseshoe moustache; I have attached selfies for you to judge the results of my cultivation efforts before the hair is consigned to the bathroom sink. Another year will pass before you’ll have another chance to see such facial folly.
Am I a handsome devil or what?
All right ‘what’ gets it - I look a lot sillier than normal but hey, it’s all in a good cause.
Worse than silly though, I am looking old and that is a bit disappointing if I am honest (in fact it’s enough to make one grumpy - see yang). Even the tache is now going white at the edges. On that very matter, my youthful work colleague Harry (I am sure he’ll love the name check), who is baby faced enough not to be able to grow his own Mo (and doesn’t even need to shave every day) asked me about my five o’clock shadow – I wryly observed that these days it was better to describe it as a five o’clock frost.
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