Maybe the gantry signs could start reminding passers-by about the ten commandments or maybe a motoring variation on a theme – thou shalt not covert thy neighbour’s car; thou shalt not TWOC; thou shalt not use thy mobile phone whilst driving; thou shalt not drive whilst uninsured; a road rage incident for a rage road incident etc.
I’ll admit that watching people chucking their litter out of their cars whilst on the move makes me angry and those that partake in that pastime are scrotes and deserve to be abused. However, I challenge the value of addressing the unacceptable behaviour with a gantry sign – in fact I’d guess that those inclined to litter would see the sign and just start rummaging in their vehicle for more refuse to liberate (probably while laughing inanely).
My view, for what it’s worth, is fine the offenders or find out where these people live and go and put litter in their homes/gardens or in their employer’s reception. Surely our society has so many cameras observing our lives that this has got to be a possibility?
Back to motorway signs, as a closet journalist and known tweeter, the idea of an important message having to be constrained to a handful of characters had me thinking. Here’s one that would work - ‘Pick your nose, no one else will’.
Where did that come from? Well if the chap driving his grey Vauxhall Astra (that was sat to my right in the traffic) is reading – “rather you than me pal”.
Over and out.
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