In the style of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”, he has phoned (well written to) a friend (if politicians have friends), in this case Edward Davey the secretary for state for energy and climate change. If the right honourable gentleman responds to CHH then he will in turn come back to me. If he doesn’t, I guess my MP won’t be getting back in touch.
I am glad that CHH sent me a letter because, whilst it’s his duty as a member of parliament to engage with his constituents, I had an expectation that my approach would be ignored.
It will be interesting to see what happens next. I’ll update you again in due course and unlike CHH, I make no caveats.
Separately, I recommend that you think about subjects to challenge your MP on because if nothing else, it is actually quite pleasing to get a letter on House of Commons stationery landing on your door mat.
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