My dad, a wonderfully practical type of chap, is of the opinion that nuclear power is necessary in terms of the nature of supply and demand, e.g. we need more power than can be generated without nuclear power so whilst something else might be preferable, there is nothing else as efficient and able to fulfil the requirement. He has a sensible, valid and probably widely shared point of view.
My challenge was not around the economics but rather the risks.
That was Friday, today is Wednesday and I have to say that I feel this BBC article supports my position and makes for some disturbing reading.
The National Audit Office (NAO not CND you note) has stated that the risks posed by nuclear waste storage at Sellafield are intolerable!
Strong words.
So, on one hand we have David Cameron championing nuclear power and promoting Hitachi’s latest deal, along with John Hayes knocking wind power and then on the other the NAO painting a clear picture that the risks already associated with our existing infrastructure are dangerously high.
Said Dr Ruth Balogh, in the BBC piece; "We shouldn't build any new nuclear reactors if we can't deal with the radioactive mess that's already been created."
And I couldn’t agree more.
The mandate for CND to exist and to play its part in educating the public, and lobbying the government, is crystal clear.
As I write, I am feeling what marketers call post purchase satisfaction. In the two weeks since I joined CND, this is my fourth article that confirms that my decision to join was the right one for me.
And as for Sellafield, let’s all hope that there isn’t a freak seismic event or other unexpected phenomenon that proves the NAO was right with its risk assessment.
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