There are poppies at the end of my street, they look lovely and, given that they have such a short burn, I wanted to record the bloom and enable others to enjoy it too. Some of the output is shared below.
For once, the subject matter isn’t cars or motorbikes.
However, mentioning cars whilst seeing red, brings me on to Ferrari and Sebastian Vettel. The red mist descended for him at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix in Baku and he made a complete fool of himself. For those of you that missed the coverage, Vettel drove into the back of Lewis Hamilton and then, stupidly believing that the shunt was Hamilton’s fault, pulled alongside him and sideswiped his car too. Vettel’s true colours shown…and not pretty at all.
He got penalised with a ten-second stop/go penalty and three points on his super licence but that didn’t feel like enough of a punishment to me. Still, behaving like a petulant child will haunt him for the rest of the season I am sure – hopefully less Ferrari red and more embarrassment red for Vettel.
Coming back to the poppies, they are bright red too but not aggressive; instead they are calming and joyous. Maybe Ferrari should change the nose cone on Vettel’s car from solid red to a poppy pattern, maybe it would calm him down.
Seeding the poppies at the entrance to the estate was an inspired move by the builders because the first thing anyone sees as they drive in is this beautiful scene (and red is the builder’s colour too - beauty by association). I am sure it makes the estate feel welcoming and helps the sales people flog the plots.
Poppies inspired Monet to paint (my drive was to photograph, reflect and then write) and I think that I’ll look at his poppy landscapes with greater appreciation and understanding now.
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