Previous outings (at least since this website was launched) have also been documented (see earlier article list below) and so sharing something particularly revelationary presents a challenge given that the format for the event hasn’t changed since the VBOA took over arrangements in 1997.
The same car clubs were present, all had the same pitches as in previous years, many of the same cars were on display, the same master of ceremonies presided over the same show ring etc.
But familiarity doesn’t breed contempt, instead it gives a degree of comfort – for me the format works, it is reliable, I know where to find things and the mantra (though Manta would be more appropriate in the circumstances) – “if it aint broke don’t fix it” applies.
Article differentiation aside, there are some cool photos, taken during my wanders, to entertain and inspire. In traditional fashion, I strolled around taking pictures, chatting to other event stalwarts and looking out for souvenirs.
On that subject, just days before Billing, I read with sadness of the death of Patrick Macnee. At 93 he had enjoyed a good innings but his demise marked the departure of yet another of my seventies TV hero types (John Steed). This digression is relevant because I bought the 1977 New Avengers (not Hillman Avenger; that would be all wrong) Annual you see before you from a fella with a stand in the autojumble. £1, because that is all the book cost me, was well-spent in my opinion.
The subject of demise is also relevant because it has not escaped my attention that over the last few years the number of HC Vivas, Magnums and Firenzas (these are my favourite rides and I have owned a few over the years) on show at Billing has declined. The volumes of vehicles on the Viva Owners Club and Droop Snoot Group pitches these days do not match those seen in the late nineties and early noughties.
The weather on Sunday was a bit patchy and maybe that was a factor – during the afternoon it poured with rain and for those that treasure their motors, a poor forecast could be a no-show matter.
As the years pass though, I suspect that more cars (and their ageing owners for that matter) fail and get harder to fix (spare parts may well be unavailable) and the cost of repairs might not be recovered in post repair valuations. I fear that some Viva HC derivatives may have been purged from the road by the Government’s scrappage scheme of a few years ago. Whatever the causes, the effects are fewer cars being displayed. And that is a shame.
I haven’t owned a classic Vauxhall for a few years now (Zafira just doesn’t count) and every year Billing reignites my passion to have another seventies car. But with Viva HC prices, for anything in a decent condition, sitting at circa £2,500 (and upwards – evidenced from a quick web check), I confess that I am reluctant to invest. That means that when it comes to the volume of cars on display at Billing, it pains me to admit, that I am part of the problem.
To those that make the effort to maintain their cars, drive them to Billing and share them with me, I am grateful. Without these enthusiasts my world would be a drearier place and the VBOA rally would be rubbish.
Please read the other posts, there are some great motors featured in those too (no duplicates). Of course you’ll up my viewed-page count and that will make me feel special.
2012 http://www.adrianbaldwin.net/annual-vauxhall-pilgrimage-washout.html
2013 http://www.adrianbaldwin.net/vboa-all-car-club-rally-2013.html
2014 http://www.adrianbaldwin.net/blog/that-petrol-emotion
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