Though the gathered family are not fans of heavy metal, all were immediately subjected to “Till the End” – and out of respect to Lemmy, it was played a bit too loudly too.
Tributes from people that actually knew Ian Kilmister, as well as the glitterati of the music business, have been published all over the news and social media sites but I couldn’t let the passing of the great man go by without a mention on my site as well.
I have written about Lemmy and Motorhead numerous times, though my last post now feels particularly poignant (to save me repeating myself, you can read it by following the link below).
Over all the years of seeing Motorhead it never ceased to amaze me that Lemmy was the same age/school year as my dad. It always amused me to think about how my old man would have coped if asked to front one of the best heavy metal/rock’n’roll bands of all time.
And maybe it’s that process of associating Lemmy with my father that makes his demise feel all the more personal and depressing.
From a final personal perspective, I’d like thank Lemmy for adding brightness, colour and plenty of noise to my life.
And death for that matter because in due course “The Ace of Spades” will play me out when my time comes to take a box ride into the flames.
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