As a regular visitor to Rugby town centre, it has not escaped my attention that it is slowly dying. All the empty shops at the A428 end of the High Street (and dotted around the rest of the town centre too) really does not bode well for attracting shoppers and their money. The deterioration is bad because even the charity shops are disappearing.
Of late, the out of town retail parks have had all the investment and they have lured the footfall and spending power away. Something is needed to rejuvenate the centre and events like Bikefest might be an important part of the solution. On Sunday the place was absolutely rammed with people, bikes and concessions and there was a palpable sense of excitement.
This year’s event saw a large scale “ride in” organised that included a rather dramatic “ride through” as well. The cavalcade of bikes roared into Church Street and then down North Street and the movement, the noise, the vibration and the smell was demanding and engaging.
Once the roads were closed and the bikes parked, the visitors were free to wander around and enjoy themselves. I certainly did and some of the photos I took are shared for your pleasure.
The Bikefest was good natured, good fun, family friendly and thoroughly supported by the local community (businesses, the police, the church, Rugby First etc. all getting involved) Even the weather was lovely and the John Barford Car Park was free.
As far as I was concerned, the organisers nailed it and are worthy of my praise and thanks.
If you are in the vicinity, Daventry’s Motorcycle Festival takes place on the 10th June, maybe I’ll see you there.
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