Whilst Cameron wasn’t interested in seeing through the UK’s EU exit, at a NATO gathering in Warsaw earlier in the month, he appeared rather keen to close out the nuclear weapons investment decision before departing.
But obviously the Conservative leadership has concluded earlier than expected. Regardless of who is in charge, from a timing perspective, it really bothers me that the decision is being rushed.
I have this suspicion that the pace was forced because the Labour Party is in such disarray at the moment. Corbyn (for his many, many faults) is anti-Trident and the vote might just give his dissatisfied parliamentary colleagues another chance to twist the knife that is already in his back. His colleagues might vote against him regardless of what they actually believed was morally right, or in the best interests of the UK tax payer.
The BBC reports (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36754911) that Corbyn was planning for the stance on Trident to be debated at the next Labour conference in September. A vote in July clearly short circuits the opposition’s debate, which I think is wrong.
The BBC further states that Corbyn had commissioned an internal defence review, to be shared at the upcoming conference, into alternatives to a full Trident replacement. How likely is this review to be finished and available for wider consumption by 18th July?
Beyond party politics, my view is that UK tax payers should be aware of the options because CND’s analysis has shown that the lifetime cost of Trident replacement will be at least £205bn. That’s a great deal of money that, for the good of the UK, might be better invested elsewhere.
Without an understanding of the options, how are you and I going to be able to influence how our own members of parliament to vote? They represent us, they should at least understand how we feel.
With everything going on in UK politics right now, the Trident investment call should be made later when all the distractions have passed.
Cameron should go, let May form her own cabinet and then let the new members lead the debate. A bit more time might just enable the opposition to be effective and coherent again too.
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