Though no one else will give a shit, tradition dictates that I write my own birthday message.
Over the last year there have been some landmarks, the half a million plus cumulative page views was/is one that pleases me. More people arriving and more people coming back feels like a good thing.
In big picture terms, the inspiration is still present and the output has been pretty consistent, in volume terms anyway. I can’t claim there has been much consistency in terms of content but I don’t apologise for this.
Though I haven’t earned any money (in fact I am out of pocket for the sixth year in a row), gone viral, achieved any kind of celebrity/notoriety, had attractive women throw their knickers at me, and still have a pitiful Twitter following, there are positives. I haven’t caused offence, been abused, trolled, hacked, blocked, shut down or murdered (this does happen to bloggers in far flung lands).
From a parochial perspective, I continue to take some pleasure from my “hobby” and will crack on into year seven. It is of course the year of the itch so the future is uncertain - my advice is enjoy this space while you can and tell your friends about it too … please.
Thanks to all of you for indulging me.
Thanks also go to my alter ego for doing the whole writing thing properly. If you found me when you were actually looking for the other me then we can only apologise for the confusion.
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