A quick précis; a Focus takes an eighty foot plunge from a Brighton cliff and lands on rocks in the sea and the driver having suffered only minor injuries is able to get himself out of his car and wait for assistance. The car if you look at the pictures in the article is even still recognisable. Absolutely unbelievable; what a story!
The driver must have had the adrenaline hit of his life; the unnamed 33 year old must have been going some because he cleared the promenade that runs along the base of the cliff. Maybe he was trying to kill himself - you’d have to bet big money on a successful outcome.
Regardless of the circumstances leading to the launch; his time clearly wasn’t up (although he must have thought it was on the way down). I warrant he needed clean underpants!
Although it happened in Brighton, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that the driver was a Yorkshire man; they make them that hard up there (read this earlier post if you want more proof). I just wish Michael Schumacher could have had some of this chap’s luck.
I‘d put money on you not being able to find a professional stunt man that would be prepared to try that leap.
I haven’t ever seen any advertising or marketing material from Ford that would make me think about investing in a Focus quite as much as this story. I hope that the marketing team at the manufacturer find out who the driver is an offer him some kind of sponsorship deal (unless of course he was drunk or stoned at the wheel). I wonder how many safety conscious folk will now move the Focus up their choice lists – Volvos are no longer the be all and end all in the safety stakes.
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