Why? Well, Boris Johnson was miles ahead in the initial voting round for the next PM. His 114 votes compared to Hunt, 43 and Gove, 34 (I digress a moment - it can’t just be me that would love to know if the cocaine taking had a positive or negative affect on his score).
With such a healthy advantage, it means we all have to contemplate the prospect of Boris actually winning the top job.
He lied to us all about Brexit, then walked away from the job of making it happen. More recently, his views on getting Brexit through in time, challenged by his own party from a practical/legislative perspective. In my book, all that makes him a liability, but it seems that the Tories disagree. God help us was my initial response … but a general election might have to be our saviour instead.
Because, I am struggling to imagine a world with Trump, Putin and Johnson in charge – the unholy trinity completed and surely Armageddon marching closer.
Tut, tut!
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