I even wrote to Top Gear Magazine editor in chief, Charlie Turner, twice and failed to elicit any kind of response at all.
Having picked up the latest edition of the magazine (no. 243), I was delighted to find a new set of word based magnets and am now half wondering if my approach back in January this year got his production team thinking and that in turn resulted in the new set being issued. Charlie, if you read this post, and I hope you do, please let me know.
This latest set of magnets is great and this time there are 141 separate words plus four fools, four speech bubbles associated with the fools and a Top Gear Magazine banner. The magnets will enable you to write your own fridge nonsense about motoring and the size of your manhood (unless you're a lady). I specifically counted the number of individual magnets so that in 15 years’ time, I’ll have an idea how many of them I have managed to lose. The photo added to this post will even enable me to know which specific words have gone (although the flash 'flash' presents a slight problem).
My next observation, and one that gives me some satisfaction, is that the word magnets are the same size as the 1998 set and so I can add 1998 words to the 2013 sentences and vice versa. In fact, if you once again turn your attention to the photo, you’ll see some old words below the new ones.
Just think of the hours of fun ahead of me, I can barely contain my enthusiasm!
So whilst I go and get creative with the fridge door, you’d better go out and buy your copy of the magazine because you’ll be gutted if you miss out.
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