“The guy sitting next to me on my FirstCC train to London this morning was watching hardcore porn on his computer. No prude but not the place!”
Tweets, limited in characters as they are, can only convey so much. What the tweet did though is make me think? What could be more antisocial on a train than watching porn? What kind of person would actually be prepared to do it? Did he have headphones on or was he sharing the sound as well as the pictures? What was he doing with his hands?
I need to catch up with John to learn some more but I can only imagine he must have felt pretty uncomfortable.
What on earth would you say to this bloke? If he’s weird enough to watch porn in broad view without regard to anyone else’s sensibilities, how would he react to being asked to turn it off? You’d have to think violence or verbal abuse was a possibility.
If you were on the train would you look away and pretend not to notice? Would you just try and find another seat? Would you just take the opportunity to watch it too?
How could it be on and not attract your attention? For example, in bored moments on trains, I’ve found myself reading the news from other passenger’s newspapers whilst they are still reading them.
On the bright side, in what was undoubtedly a crowded commuter train, at least John got a seat! He’s perfectly capable of looking after himself and will have seen the comedy in the situation even whilst trying to avoid the flesh show.
And here’s a thought, maybe ‘porn bloke’ was just conducting an experiment and trying to see if he could stop anyone else moving into his personal space. You’d have to bet on it being effective!
Maybe the daily grind and torment of getting to town has pushed this chap to try extreme measures to keep people away.
No point in being generous or trying to rationalise this decidedly odd behaviour; I think ‘porn bloke’ was just a w--ker (regardless of what he was doing with his hands at the time).
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