Outside John Lewis there was a wedding fair taking place and, in casting my eyes down and picking up my pace, I vowed to rush past it without making eye contact with anyone. Wedding fairs are just awful, I hate them and I find these events as scary as the Ebola virus. Crikey, I was even tempted to run away screaming from these things when planning my own wedding (or having Mrs B. plan it for me).
So picture the scene, me, a suited office type, looking unapproachable and like he’s out speed walking for his lunch break – stopped dead in his tracks like the cartoon character Roadrunner!
There before me and, in my opinion, looking decidedly cool and not to mention, a tad retro, was an A-Team GMC van. Not a genuine set vehicle you understand but a bloody good replica nonetheless. I stared for a moment and then went to have a closer look – and while doing so I took some photos on my phone (one is here for your enjoyment).
For blokes of my age, the A-Team has a special place in the fabric of one’s youth. I remember the A-Team from the moment the TV show arrived on our shores, the theme tune was a ring tone on my phone for years and somewhere I still have that same theme tune, by Mike Post, on 7 inch vinyl. I can hum it immediately too, in fact I am doing so even as I type (that’s how Murdock mad I am – one crazy fool!). The A-Team was up there with the Dukes of Hazzard, Knight Rider and Airwolf as essential viewing for the pre, or just post, pubescent male.
So back from nostalgia central to Milton Keynes; this van was on display and is available for wedding hire. I don’t think that the van comes accessorised/equipped with a nickel plated armoury under the seats but, guns aside, just how good/cool/pumped-up would you feel barrelling up to your wedding venue in this 5.7 litre V8 beast, with the theme tune blaring, and then piling out of it with your male entourage? Seriously, you’d have to try hard not to enjoy it more than the official bit at the altar!
Now I have been married for many years now and that means I am out of the target market for this vehicle as a wedding car – I have however kept a leaflet and if the current Mrs Baldwin decides to divorce me, I’ll be bearing it in mind for marriage to any subsequent post holder!
Weddings aside; this wagon might just have to be booked for ‘big number’ birthdays or anything else that involves making a grand entrance to a party! Why just book a Bentley, a limousine or a vintage car when you could book this instead?
I loved this van; just seeing it cheered me up and it actually made me smile at a wedding fair. Amazing!
You can find out more:
www.theateamvan.com or 07758 888 007 or [email protected]
The leaflet I picked up carries the headline – “We love it when a wedding plan comes together!” Obvious of course, but perfect!