Crispin found his collection in his loft and wrote to me; here is what he had to say:
“Just trying to help as your blog on these was helpful to me in confirming I had a set & all the other information was a fun read. It all brought back many happy memories of walking to the corner shop with my Mum & Dad to get a lolly & hoping I would eventually get the full set without losing all my teeth! I don't remember anything like them at the time or since!
” I'm contemplating making a mini display for them!”
I am delighted to be able to publish the image Crispin sent to me, I hope you like it. I have already confessed my envy to him and in due course I may even be able to publish the display that he creates (although he has admitted that he may face a challenge from his girlfriend in putting something on the wall). Crispin, I can empathise, the wonderful Mrs Baldwin would side with your good lady. Good luck with your negotiations.
Finally, something that is satisfying is that Crispin has taken the time to read my post and then in turn made some time to write and create/send an image. This exchange of notes between complete strangers is something that wouldn't be possible without the internet and search engines like Google. This is evidence of the social value of the world wide web.
Interestingly this thread and the Hi-Tec Tecs story have resulted in more exchanges with more people than any other subjects I have written about. Who'd have thought that?
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Other posts from this thread
19/03/2019 Lolly Legacy
11/03/2019 Lyons Maid Superman’s Superheroes Lolly Sticks in Colour
10/03/2019 Lolly Stick Happiness
15/02/2017 http://www.adrianbaldwin.net/blog/first-class-ice-lolly-cool-cornwall-catwoman
25/02/2015 http://www.adrianbaldwin.net/blog/fantastic-plastic-perranporth-find
2012 Lolly Stick Psychology

21st September 2016 - Update
Following on from content above, Crispin got in touch again, this time to share his properly mounted and displayed collection of lolly sticks. The frame looks great don't you think? I so want one for my wall. Ade